
133 x 133 cm - Serpentinite

There is something fundamental in human nature to look further and further, to go beyond the horizon, to search for new ways. We all, humans are explorers, we are inventors, we are creators. This is our most precious vertue. There is a feeling, a voice calling, an urge to experience new, to see never seen before. That’s the human condition. To left no stone unturned.

We are The Stone Turners.

We work closely with individual customers, interior designers, architects and brands. Together we work on a project to give character to the space, tell a story, enhance the brand. Tell us about space you live in.

Tell us what is important to you, what ideas is driving you and we will try to celebrate it in the form of mosaic.

Let's talk about spaces, stories they say and... emergence.


102 x 172 cm  - Serpentinite and Marble


220 x 75 cm - Serpentinite and Marble

Fibonacci II

Fibonacci II 165 x 165 cm  - Serpentinite and Marble

Hex Pattern II

Hex Pattern II 262 x 143 cm - Serpentinite and Marble

Voronoi II

Voronoi II 192 x 102 cm - Serpentinite and Marble

Quad Pattern I

Quad Pattern I 314 x 63 cm  - Serpentinite and Marble


Conflux 212 x 106 cm  - Serpentinite and Marble

Hex Pattern I

Hex Pattern I 262 x 143 cm - Serpentinite and Marble


Cycade 185 x 95 cm - Serpentinite and Marble


Fibonacci 252 x 155 cm – Serpentinite and Marble